It’s happening! The hit maker announced on Twitter that he will definitely be working with the Disclosure brothers, which will make this his millionth collaboration to date (I mean seriously, no mustn’t be in his vocabulary… Though it wouldn’t need to be if you worked with the likes of Grace Jones and Diana Ross).
Heading to London to work w the brilliant @Disclosure. I absolutely love their album Settle! Video w Tensnake on my birthday Sept 19.
— Nile Rodgers (@nilerodgers) September 17, 2013
I don’t know about you but this sounds like it’ll be very, very nice. That UK garage sound fused with Nile’s lush and crisp production… You can only imagine the funk that will be made and it looks like it was made tenfold:
RT @disclosure: The man himself! @nilerodgers @samsmithworld @jimmynapes {Today was AMAZING guys}
— Nile Rodgers (@nilerodgers) September 17, 2013
You hear that? Today was amazing. Nile Rodgers should be no stranger as to how to market himself by this stage in his career but for all that is good and holy I hope it’s all true. Going by his track record, it should be true.