Earlier today, Kaskade went on a small rant about the “not allowed” list for his upcoming event in Miami on September 14th at the American Airlines Arena. While excited to kick off his Atmosphere tour, our favorite American DJ is frustrated at the venue’s decision to prohibit arguably harmless items central to the rave culture, such as dolls, glow sticks, camelbacks and kandi (after talking with the venue, Kaskade shared with his followers that attendees will be allowed to wear kandi, just not edible candy). What are your thoughts on the matter? Which items do you find should and should not be prohibited out of those included in the following list and why?
American Airlines Arena’s prohibited items list:
For the benefit and safety of our guests, the following items are not permitted inside the Arena: Stuffed animals or dolls, camelbacks or bota bags, open packs of cigarettes, large chains or spiked jewelry, illegal substances, drugs or drug paraphernalia, masks of any kind, eyedrops, balloons, inflatable balls, video cameras, backpacks, waist packs, glow sticks, hoola hoops, laser pointers, inhalant containers, bandanas, outside food or drinks.
Here is Kaskade small rant:
Listen. This list of everything "not allowed" was never presented to me. It's something that's been generated within the last week.
— Kaskade (@kaskade) September 13, 2013
Even though we've been percolating for 20+ years, + people think EDM is mainstream, not a lot has changed in the mind of The Machine.
— Kaskade (@kaskade) September 13, 2013
It's still US vs. THEM
— Kaskade (@kaskade) September 13, 2013
Crap articles like that one the @LATimes wrote, combined with highly publicized tragedies at our events create a perfect storm.
— Kaskade (@kaskade) September 13, 2013
So this manufactured + false image of us as a bunch of drugged-out zombies w/pacifiers + dead eyes scares them. What can I say?
— Kaskade (@kaskade) September 13, 2013
Taking away glow sticks, stuffed animals, + candy (*Kandi) makes them feel more in control. That seems to be the crux of the thing.
— Kaskade (@kaskade) September 13, 2013
We have power guys. We will change things for sure. We already are.
— Kaskade (@kaskade) September 13, 2013
Regardless of the periphery, the core is the same. Music+You+Me We're going to PLUR the shit out of that place tomorrow night.
— Kaskade (@kaskade) September 13, 2013
[H/T]: WRR
No glow sticks and stuffed animal backpacks?! wtf lol
No hula hoops?! Dafuk..
They made sure stuffed animals are on the lists, but fail to say anything about weapons.
at least Kaskade still talks about PLUR :’)
hula hoops are a fucking annoyance.
When it comes to public perception, Kaskade has pretty consistently taken it upon himself to act as a voice for the community, and I appreciate it. Common sense has never flown very well with the press when its hellbent on scaring the crap out of the public, but he stays with it regardless.
I think its stupid to ban glowsticks, kandi bracelts and camelbacks, but they allow people to bring in cigarettes and what do people do? They smoke indoors in the arena! Once someone smokes, the whole crowd smokes. And the worse thing is, your friends do it right next to you. I had to go to medical at Sensation to use an inhaler because I couldn’t breathe and felt my lungs were tight. Why not ban cigarettes instead and keep the PLUR with our glow sticks and kandi bracelets!