Earlier today, Forbes posted an interview with Steve Angello covering topics ranging from the EDM culture in Las Vegas to the DJ’s own personal aspirations for the future. During one portion of the interview, Angello discussed the business side of EDM, especially in the United States. On the recent spike in popular interest for electronic music, Angello says:
We saw pretty early that this was gonna happen. I see it happen today even in Asia, it’s just picking up so you know. It’s just great marketing, great people around it, it’s, you know, everybody’s interest. It’s a great demographic for brands and everybody else involved. It’s very appealing to all the consumers and the business is built around it.
The conversation revealed many insights, including the revelation that Angello does not consider himself to be a mainstream DJ. When asked where in the spectrum of underground to mainstream he falls, Angello replied:
I think I’m in the middle. I’m in the middle there somewhere because I’m still a DJ at heart and I really love playing these really long, dirty sets and go to clubs that a lot of DJs wouldn’t play, well a lot of mainstream DJs wouldn’t play, because it’s too underground. I always want to be connected somehow. I have a label that focuses on techier, the darker stuff, I have a label that focuses on the big records, and producing music is the same way. I use so many different names.
As for life after Swedish House Mafia, Angello talked about finishing his album and focusing on the younger artists on his label. To hear more of Angello’s thoughts, check out the full interview below.
Steve Angello: Going Solo After Swedish House Mafia
I agree with his clarification of the difference between Ibiza and Vegas.
This video made me respect Angelo!