Deadmau5 has always been known as an outspoken and insightful individual. People may not always like what Joel Zimmerman has to say but he generally has some interesting thoughts. In an interview with CBC News, Deadmau5 spoke about how electronic music has evolved out of being a subculture.
“I think we’re out of subculture-land and into it’s own culture-land right now…You could have now… a festival specifically for a subgenre of a subculture and it would have legs and sustainability to survive on its own, which is kind of cool.”
So now that electronic music has matured into a full on culture what kind of condition is it in now? “It’s at a fragile state right now,” Deadmau5 says, “How much room on either side of the culture does it have to go, to be creative?”
via CBC News
He raises a really good point. The fact that EDM and most of it’s sub-genres can stand on their own two feet now is awesome; but the more popular a genre gets (especially in dance music) the more a box begins to form around it. Artists become almost forced and limited to making music that sounds the same as everything else out there, because the listeners demand that “sound”. There are only a select few artists that can break that barrier, and those are usually the same exact artists whom everyone else is trying to sound like (Knife Party, Skrillex, etc.)
We make it, the way it is. Just like anything. If a Sub-culture becomes accessible (Commercialized) to anyone, your demographic increases, and in this case your “sound”, has to appease more people to be heard. Creating Generics. Not that I have been on this ride since the good ol’ underground days, but it was nicer when you went to a club to see your favorite artist (or stumbled upon a great artist just going to the club). Now every radio and promoter is prompting you to go see, DEADMAU5! @ an all ages show, at your local stadium. That’s where your gunna hear a made for radio/anyone set. Again we make it this way cause we fill up that arena. If you want to make something solid again, don’t support the tippity top. Go out look around a find that little guy with that crazy funky sound, then share him with the people around you. The big leagues will then have to compete with that!
I say, the hell with this conforming noise. If you have personality enough, and sufficient production ability to make a clean, well-eq’d track, then you’ll reach a wide audience and find a successful niche to play for no matter what style you make (or reinvent, if you choose).
I say, the hell with this conforming noise. If you have personality enough, and sufficient production ability to make a clean, well-eq’d track, then you’ll reach a wide audience and find a successful niche to play for no matter what style you make (or reinvent, if you choose).
Entiendo “Lo Que Quiere Decir Que Muchos Djs Se Copian Es Verdad Deverian Ser Mas Creativos” 🙂 Asi Como Deadmau5 El Encotro Su Propio Sonido “Stylo” Lo Cual Lo Llevo a Ser Uno de Los Djs Mas Importantes De La Musica Electronica! Ya Es Una Leyenda!
All true. However, many have said, “Disco is dead.” But, that’s not true… It just became “club music” and “house.” And now, it is so many more things. When EDM becomes the next thing, people will say it’s dead, too. Eventually, all there will be is “Wyld Stallions.” I think we all knew this, though.