Following in the wake of their huge release of Marcus Schossow & Sebjak’s “Kemi“, Spinnin Records has unveiled the story behind the big room track and its creation. In the short but sweet interview with Marcus Schossow, the Swedish producer talked about his relationship with fellow producer Sebjak, and their mindset and routine while “Kemi” was in the making. “We wanted to make a track which has the old school soul to it, but still really make it modern and banging”, he comments in the video. If that’s what the two rising Swedish producers had in mind for this song, then I can definitely say they hit the nail on the head with this one. Be sure to check out the making of “Kemi” below, and stay tuned for more bangers to be released by Marcus Schossow & Sebjak in the near future!
Home House Dutch House The Story Behind Marcus Schossow & Sebjak’s “Kemi”