The Transportation Security Administration has recently been broadening their standing outside of the airports. The T.S.A. has been expanding its grasp of security exponentially, from sporting events to music festivals. What does this mean for security at our beloved festivals such as Ultra Music Festival, Electric Daisy Carnival, Electric Zoo and many others? Based on past examples, you can expect to find the TSA at the exit and entrances of festivals with unannounced checkpoints, with plain-clothed officials as well as bomb sniffing dogs. You may even be subject to random searches. It doesn’t look probable that they will be inside the festivals themselves but, it’s still unclear. Also the T.S.A has reported that employee misconduct has risen more than 20%. It is certainly understandable why the T.S.A. would want to extend their reach in every attempt to stop terrorism, but are they over stepping their boundaries? That is for you to decide, let us know what you think!
T.S.A. officials state that the random searches are “special needs” or “administrative searches” that are exempt from probable cause because they further the government’s need to prevent terrorist attacks.
For those of you who are too lazy to click on the source links, taken from the NY Times:
With little fanfare, the agency best known for airport screenings has vastly expanded its reach to sporting events, music festivals, rodeos, highway weigh stations and train terminals. Not everyone is happy.
Click here to watch a video summarizing the issue: VIDEO
ABSOLUTELY they are overstepping their boundaries. They’re really going to take the edge off of going into that trance that EDM puts you into and where you have a good time.
Get ready for the EDM bubble to finally pop. Thanks a lot T.S.A., just go home.
Wtf mate
This is a complete fabrication. Your source links don’t have anything to do with music, festivals or EDM. You should be ashamed of your sensationalism and realize that you’re exacerbating mainstream society’s horrible perception of our scene by making us look like the ignorant, uninformed messes they think we are. Thanks for fucking nothing. Hope the page views and Facebook likes are worth it.
I’m cool with the TSA trying to stop ‘terrorism’ or whatever, but when has anyone ever brought a bomb to ultra? Has anyone ever gotten stabbed at Nocturnal? Gotten shot at edc? Nope. GTFO. There is no threat of terror at music festivals. A kid dies every now and then from an overdose and that’s it.
when was the last time anyone found a terrorist at a festival? or even found a bomb?
“meet me at the main stage!”
“…sorry I can’t mate, the T.S.A. thinks my water bottle is a pipe bomb and I was wearing a shemagh head wrap at the same time, pick me up from jail after?”
Wow this is crazy
Their very name would imply that they have jurisdiction over the security of “transportation” type facilities. Last I checked, there were no music festivals at airports or train stations, not that they couldn’t benefit from a little entertainment while their flights are being delayed. Also, when has the government, with all of their infinite spying capabilities, ever intercepted anything about a terrorist threat at a music festival? Simply ridiculous.
This is the worst piece of journalism I’ve ever read. Whoever wrote this article is a fucking idiot. TSA cannot and will be at any kind of outside event or music festival. The source article was about them being deployed to transportation hubs like amtrak and doing random baggage checks. Not event security. Nowhere is it implied or stated that TSA has any sort of jurisdiction over events except in the moronic title of this article.
Music festivals have absolutely NOTHING to do with transportation, what the hell?!?
If that is true, that is completely absurd! Way over stepping their boundaries.
I trust the police at a festival then the Toilet Safety Administration.
Overstepping, they have no right to step. this is beyond intrusion.
They have no footing to be overstepping upon..
It is clearly ne more step to stem the open sharing of free thinking individuals. they are finding it impossible to.cover up and stop knowledge in today’s society. instead they.must now stop any congregation of like minded people who may have expanded minds and sharing of free thinking.
It is clearly ne more step to stem the open sharing of free thinking individuals. they are finding it impossible to.cover up and stop knowledge in today’s society. instead they.must now stop any congregation of like minded people who may have expanded minds and sharing of free thinking.
That’s just insane. Might as well be Cold War era USSR or Nazis. What is supposed to be gatherings of happiness, peace and love turns into controlled paranoia and fear. Not cool!
That’s just insane. Might as well be Cold War era USSR or Nazis. What is supposed to be gatherings of happiness, peace and love turns into controlled paranoia and fear. Not cool!
thank the shitty drug dealers and overdosing teenagers all over the country.
thank the shitty drug dealers and overdosing teenagers all over the country.
Is it just me? or do you all sound like spoiled brats not getting your way?
Is it just me? or do you all sound like spoiled brats not getting your way?
its only a matter of time before one gets bombed.
Remind me again what sporting events, concerts and festivals have to do with Transportation? Nothing. You’re drunk, TSA… Go the fuck home
I’ve seen these guys at two music festivals now, they haven’t appeared to be more than just extra pairs of boots on the ground compared to typical police coverage.
Overstepping their boundaries or not, they need to specify what they’re looking for so us hippie freebirds can know what to bring & not to bring
actually, these festivals have EVERYTHING to do with transportation: people getting high as hell, floating around the party, people releasing noxious gases aka exhaust and not to mention the ass there probably has LOTs of mileage already. I say, it’s proper fit.
Had enough yet? Its time to tear down this two-party illusion and unite as ONE PARTY: ‘We the People’! As one party we’d have our focus on the politicians, and not fighting with who’s party is better when they are both puppets to filthy rich corporations. We need to strip funding to these criminal agencies by reverting back to a constitutional republic where the money goes to the localities and states FIRST, then the feds get whatever is left over IF they’ve been behaving. That’s the way it was meant to be. That completely eliminates the possibility of tyranny and unnecessary war where thousands of men, women, and children die. And eliminates the possibility of running the country into debt. That’s why Alexander Hamilton the snake convinced his fellow politicians to start the central bank. If not for that, the states and localities would have maintained control and we wouldn’t be in trillions of dollars of debt or responsible for the slaughter of innocents. Take the power back.
how does this make any sense, they are trying to stop terrorism why would they go to a music festival? Its not like they are completely incapable of running their own security, are they worried about drugs? And if they are shouldn’t it be like the DEA or something? This really sounds like a hardly thought out idea, I hope they change their (greedy) minds.
maybe…….. There has been found evidence for the possibility of needing the TSA at these locations?
What does terrorism and music festivals have to do with each other? Please remind me again………. oh wait nothing. Get the fuck out of here TSA.
edm music is about plur I have never seen a bunch of raver candi kids go u know what I’m unhappy lets blow this place up <3.
I wouldn’t consent to an official searching me….I’d just leave and press charges for kicking me out and unnecessary search, etc. If that would even get me anywhere.
But until then –> O. O <– my face.
Hey, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the experience, then, by all means, have the TSA at concerts and festivals. Think about the Boston bombing, people. It’s not exactly analogous, but it’s a good example of how something that’s supposed to be happy can be turned dark due to terrorism, or at least people doing evil deeds. Let’s look people who’ve been shot, stabbed, or O.D.’d (that’s a bit of a stretch, they should’ve been safer) at these shows. Security from a branch of government is going to do their best to try to sniff out the bad guys, as big as a Boston Bomber or other terrorist group or as small as a guy with a knife/gun.
It’s all for our safety, so quit complaining. You have nothing to hide. They won’t even get in our way, for sure.
I only go to one, same event every year, ill take my chances with my shit. Bring it TSA.
Fight back. Read my Police State Legal Guide, on the 4th Amendment. These shows belong to us.
Say goodbye to freedom, American, one little security check point after another.
Repeat after me, “I am free.”
When are people going to see the government is reaching to far into our lives and say they have had enough? Vote for your FREEDOM not ENTITLEMENTS!
We’re altogether too security obsessed in this country. Part of freedom is a little bit (not a lot, but a little bit) of occasional unpredictable danger.
There has never been a bombing at a music festival. Why do they need bomb searches before festivals. This is outrageous. This whole terrorism thing is getting out of hand