Dillon Francis released Without You on Soundcloud today with a very personal message that helps sell the record perfectly: “[The] song is very meaningful to me because as TEED and i were working on the song i was having relationship problems of my own. He ended up writing the song about the whole situation i was going through..”
The lyrics that T.E.E.D penned certainly cast a warm bitter sweet feeling over Dillon’s low-key and pop-ish production. It’s not what you would usually expect from Dillon but it sounds brilliant, clearly Dillon and Orlando Higginbottom have good creative compatibility.
Overall the record is good for any EDM fan looking for something a little different from Dillon Francis. It’s even good if you’re suffering from relationship problems of your own. But the sharp bleeps, bloops and whimsical lyrics will make you feel contemplative and weary, whatever your status.
Stream it here or buy it from iTunes.
[soundcloud url=”http://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/102584835″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
this track >>>.
dope tune