Recently the Bingo Players duo made the sad announcement that Paul was diagnosed with cancer, and stunned the dance music community that loved them so. In the final six minutes of his set at Tomorrowland this year, Chuckie makes a tribute to Paul of Bingo Players fame. Chuckie played a number of Bingo Players tracks, from their newer works like “L’Amour” and the old in “Devotion“. Hats off to Chuckie for setting aside the ending of his set at this world renowned festival to give Paul some “Bingo Prayers”.
Respect man. Get well soon Paul.
<3 <3 Paul <3 <3.
Gotta have mad love for the guy that brought slash and still shows love to his community.
kudos to chuckie, your tribute to paul was amazing. I myself am a beatmatch dj, and until paul gets better I will play cry just a little in every mixset I record.
Cool man
Dirty Dutch Gentleman.
And now, his time has come. What a tragedy!
And now, his time has come. What a tragedy!
And now, his time has come. What a tragedy!