The newly formed duo Meowski666, comprised of Dillon Francis and Kill The Noise, have delivered on their promise. The unexpected pair have made available their highly awaited collaboration, Meow Machine. Capitalizing on the feline and animalistic nature of their name, Dillon and Jake substitute kicks and synths with barks and meows. More of a pleasantry than an actual production, this track will still go viral due to its humorous appeal. Let us know what you think in the comment section below!
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”” width=” 100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
Meowsers free Meowski666 – Meow Machine = lolz.
And I’m pretty sure Dillon’s going to play it in all his sets…
Dillon Francis is definitely totally crazy.
They have been playing it in all their sets all summer. Finally available for download. Hooray!
wtf did I just listen to!