You may have seen the above picture which has been circulating the internet for the past few days. The photo is of the duo, Disclosure, performing their track White Noise at Summertime Ball. Notice something wrong? It seems their equipment isn’t plugged in to a power source. They have released a statement on the matter and I have gained great admiration for the duo as they give an honest, and to-the-point explanation.
Hello to everyone who is talking about this photo… so. here is how and why this happened. Capital FM made us do this show with a backing track playing but allowed the vocalists to sing. They said that they had to trigger the tracks themselves to sync visuals. We pleaded with them for weeks and weeks to let us play fully live or at least let us mix but they just weren’t having it. You will also notice this was the same for a lot of the dance acts playing that day (i.e. the duke dumont pic you posted)
It was incredibly frustrating and horrible for us to hear our music at Wembley and not actually be able to play it ourselves, as anyone with any knowledge about disclosure knows that we play fully live seen here… AND can mix…
Notice also that we didnt try and make it look like we were mixing. We left the fucking plug on the floor on purpose, didnt even plug phono leads into the master out, turned all the EQs fully down and the master out AND DIDNT EVEN TAKE HEADPHONES for god sake!! LOL if at any point we touched the mixer it was…well, you try standing infront of 80,000 people and not touching the mixer… go on… its really hard hahaha!
I would also like to point out that people like David Guetta ect who have also been accused of pretending to mix, actually try and cover it up and pretend to blend tracks into one another and hide it… but with us, we played three songs with vocalists b2b with gaps in between, so even if we had been mixing, there would have been no beat matching involved anyway + we didnt try and hide it at all!!
But yeah it was a very strange experience and one we will not be going through again. Capital have been amazing to us and they play our songs roughly 400 times a week across their various networks and we wanted to thank them for all the support.
Guy x
Source: Harder Blogger Faster
Disclosure <3
Agree totally how they handled it!
Agree totally how they handled it!
It sucks that they were put in a position like this.
I think you should the headlines because they wrong after reading this reply
I think you should the headlines because they wrong after reading this reply
That’s funny, when it happens in Wembley Stadium you don’t read any of that crap about America and “EDM” killing Dance Music. Shhh nothing to see here, keep it moving, don’t want it to reach across the pond. Too late lol. We had nothing to do with this one so eat that everyone else! Great album Disclosure, respect 🙂
在表演的時候被要求當人型立牌是一件挺尷尬的事 想像一下你站在舞台上聽著自己的歌正在播放 然後..就繼續站著… XD
I respect the statement, but I would of told Capital either u let me do what I do or no show.
I don’t know if I could resist selling out, but then again I’m not a famous musician.