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Laidback Luke On Personal Musical Growth



In a recent article on the Huffington Post, Laidback Luke addressed his fans that are expressing concerns about his musical direction. It saddens me that Laidback Luke had to even address the issue, let alone explain to his fans the nature of his personal music growth, and even his growth as an individual. Being a huge fan myself, it is concerning that someone can reach out to their favorite DJ and ask them to stop growing musically and stay stagnant with their music simply to satisfy their personal wants. Read what Laidback Luke had to say below:


“‘Did you forget how to produce or something..?’ It read on one of my Twitter mentions. I looked on the guy’s profile and it said he was from Melbourne. I’ve been supporting the Melbourne sound at the moment and even trying to produce it.

Globally, it’s a new and fresh sound that I see as a little brother of the Dutch sound and a nice new challenge to me! In Melbourne however, this sound has been played to death and I often find my followers out of Melbourne City being very bitter about it.

‘Giving my experience in production, it’s very unlikely for me to have forgotten how to produce’, I quickly responded. Giving him an insight on how I think he should be proud of this sound being up next to take over the world. He thought I was coming across very arrogant about the producing part. I explained to him that I’ve probably made over 3000 tracks and have been producing for over 20 years. And told him, that’s a simple fact: ‘How can I be arrogant when that’s actually true?’

I’ve had a bit of a struggle this week as I very much listen to what everyone has to tell me on social media. I’ve had a couple of guys from Egypt being very worried about me as well. They told me I’m going downhill. That I should be making big tracks like my ‘old’ tracks again. To me, my old tracks could be the ones that I produced back in 1995, the techno, housy period of mine my wife loves so much. My Daft Punk style days at the end of the nineties. My electro pop time at around 2003. My big room sound of 2005 and up. My full on Dutch from 2007? ‘Turbulence, Timebomb and Natural Disaster’ is what the kid from Egypt answered me.

So that’s about 2009 and up for me, pretty much around the corner! In my mind, at this moment, I’m still in that sound and pushing that forward. While a lot of kids are currently putting out tracks that sound like ‘Turbulence’ meets my ‘Guns On Demo’, I’ve already passed that.

Followers who don’t see the bigger picture, get worried. It’s a discussion I have with my older following every two to three years. It seems that when you’re in between 18 and 23 years old, you cling onto certain songs for life. Those will be yours forever and occasionally something new will come through. It’s a very common human trait. It only sucks for the artist trying to move on.

‘He’s lost it. He forgot how to produce!’. Well I haven’t, I couldn’t! Actually, I could only become better as time passes, that’s how life works! I see a bigger picture, I’ve always done so in spite of my old followers getting upset with me. I can’t get stuck in the past doing my same sound over and over. That seems very boring to me, it would limit, and kill me, artistically.

As usual though, I’m not taking this feedback lightheartedly. I care very much about my scene, our music, my followers and my progression. I can honestly say, music is my life. The only thing I can do is to continue to follow (or lead) my own progress. I’ll be switching on my Ableton now and double check if I can still remember how to work it.”




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