The cast of Fox wondershow Glee paid tribute to Zedd‘s mega anthem Clarity ft. Foxes for the show’s fourth season finale. To be fair I’m not crazy about Glee as a show, but it’s always interesting to see how the mainstream has adapted to and harnessed the extreme popularity of EDM. You might remember a few months back Zedd played an acoustic version of Clarity live on Letterman. It was a clunky affair that showed just how out of sync mainstream media and entertainment was with EDM just a few short months ago.
This time around I can at-least appreciate Glee‘s offering. Despite not being a fan of the show, I think their cover of Clarity is definitely worth a listen… It isn’t a game-changer in and of itself but I have a feeling this is the first of many EDM tracks to come that will court the mainstream’s interest.
this version looks more EDM than the official…