Electric Daisy Carnival Las Vegas 2014 might not happen due to issue with taxation. Pasquale Rotella issued the following statement today:
Insomniac loves doing business in Las Vegas, and right now our primary focus is producing the best show for the fans who will attend Electric Daisy Carnival on June 21, 22 and 23. While we would love to bring another festival to Nevada, we are tabling any further discussions until the state Legislature settles the Live Entertainment Tax issue.
The tax he refers to is a tax on live entertainment in Nevada known as the Live Entertainment Tax (LET). In the past LET has not applied to outdoor events such as EDC. However, the state Legislature is in the process of reforming LET to possibly remove that exemption. Last year, EDC generated $207 million for Clark County, NV. Should LET be applied to EDC, the 10-percent tax would mean about $9.5 million of taxes from EDC ticket sales.
Source: Las Vegas Sun
[H/T]: White Raver Rafting
It was bound to happen, I’ve been hearing rumors about Insomniac and tax evasion for years but of course it may not be true.
What tax evasion? Did you actually read the article? The tax doesn’t apply to outdoor venues in Nevada YET but it may next year because of how much money EDC has brought in, in the past… read it again.
NV wants more money!
well duh… the entire strip is bankrupt right now. MGM Grand which owns 3/4ths of the strip is about $249 million dollars in debt. a quarter of a billion dollars. the entire stirp is about 5 years from being demolished they say.
Its just another way to squeeze more money out of people. They have been doing it. tHEY’II KEEP ON DOIN IT.
yeah LET is just looking for a way to make easy money… so they are CHANGING how the tax law works so it applies to EDC…
Are people to cheap to pay 10% more? That’s 30 bucks on a $300 ticket, come on people…
I think your talking about the issue of overpacking venues where insomniac paid off security?
I think your talking about the issue of overpacking venues where insomniac paid off security?
yes that is a lot.
yes that is a lot.
well 9.5 mil from 207 mil isn’t that bad >.> lol.
well 9.5 mil from 207 mil isn’t that bad >.> lol.
Yeah, like less than 5%… Whats the big deal?!?! haha
Yeah, like less than 5%… Whats the big deal?!?! haha
People have to pay for hotel, shuttles/transportation, and travel to and from Vegas. So yes, increasing tickets by 10% might price people out.
I think the $207 M figure is how much EDC *generated* for Clark County which means taxis, vendors, law enforcement, and revenue from other sales made in the area around the speedway due to the high volume of of people coming in for EDC.
So in addition to the huge economic benefit EDC provides the area, Clark County also wants $9.5 M from **ticket sales** which otherwise would have gone toward production. I think that’s why Pasquale is against the tax.
There goes our greedy fucking nation again. Its always about fucking money.
all about the money, slap in the face to the music. PLUR on, if you can afford it…
yet they still keep building casinos…
It’s funny to think that all of these ignorant raver kids are bitching that Las Vegas is trying to rob Insomniac, when in reality Pasquale Rotella was indicted by a federal grand jury for embezzlement, bribery, etc. which translated to simple english means he’s actually robbing you. Cha-ching! http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2012/03/coliseum-dj-reza-lynch-destefano-court-insomniac.html
There’s a reason it’s not in LA anymore!
Anybody that knows Pasqualle, knows hes a scumbag.
and drugs.
yeah, just not that reason. 15-year old ODs are bad press.
Blah, blah, blah! Give me the show!!
i dont appreciate the “ignorant raver kids” comment! -_- *L
You mean the coliseum paying-off security? Remember, this wasn’t only Insomnia’s doing but it was a number of individuals involved. Plus,its LA’s loss now.
I’ll bet $1M that at least 80% of those attending EDC who voted did so for the political party that is laser focused on raising everyone’s taxes and the cost of living all of the time. Don’t even tell me it’s both parties doing it.
Lets do some math. Tickets are $300 for all 3 days.. 100,000 or so people attend the festival everyday (or there are about 100k ticket sales). That comes out to 30 million… 10% of 30mil is 3mil. This article doesnt seem credible
yea that makes since, so many people coming into vegas that weekend spending money.
Rotella did what he had to do to put on an event at a venue run by sleazy, corrupt officials out of touch with reality. The embezzlement was all theirs, Pasqualle is just indicted as the easy target poster boy.
Business is the name of the game but if you think that he is the one who robbed the taxpayers in that scandal then its obvious you arent at all familiar with the details
You know they are going to raise the ticket prices if LET does tax them.
I feel like there’s a pretty much 0% chance that you actually know the guy. Knowing he exists, reading some articles about him and following his twitter don’t count as knowing him.
Hey Alex, please do not type cast a demographic of people who enjoy a certain genre of music. Yes Pasqualle may have been involved in a scandal that ultimately led to a lot of officials being indicted/terminated, however this has nothing to do with the politics going on in Las Vegas. Being an “owner” of a business…you should acknowledge the fact that if someone was trying to tax you 10% of your budget towards a design or branding project you would look elsewhere to do you business. Similar to what has happened to the Hollywood film industry. They were taxed at a very large rate and ultimately many films are shot/produced/edited in Canada, the South, New Mexico, etc.
Its BUSINESS! It has nothing to do with so called ignorant raver kids…one of whom is me! Minus the ingnorant/kid part…just a music fan.
I agree.
They already make a shit load of money from tickets, that isn’t that bad. But worse case another city will get EDC instead.
Tyler J Works The strip is bankrupt? Da Fuq? I live in Vegas and work for a major bank, the casinos are the number one revenue generating source here besides the banks and the call centers, If the strip were to be demolished NV would go bankrupt itself, not other strip in Nevada generates as much money. The MGM Grand DOES NOT own 3/4ths of the strip they own maybe 25% and they just remodeled the MGM and they are building a new mall across from the Luxor, so where are you getting this info from? Inspector Gadget?
Isn’t that the one Wesley.Snipes went to?
Isn’t that the one Wesley.Snipes went to?
Stuart Chapman its people like tyler that give our city (yes im one of the crazy people who call vegas home) a bad name. bitches be thinking that just because they come to vegas for a week or so for edc that they know every thing about vegas. shits old guys just stop. casino revenue went up at least 15% in the state last month. get your facts straight
It not as small as a issue with a city, this is the legislature in Reno that trying to redefine LET. Insomniac would have to change to a different state, if that was their choice.
Don’t you people forget, that this LET is a problem, not just for Insomniac, but also Black Rock City, LLC., the company that organizes Burning Man,who is also fighting the Nevada State Legislature. This no more then a way for the state to make more money off these events. Unfortunately an event as big as burning man may be hard to find a suitable location for the 60,000 some odd attendee’s, let’s hope Insomniac does not have to move again.
Pasqualle keeps changing venues to avoid taxes and charges of the venues. which is all legal.
and he has been tied up in where venues have supplied some workers that were not paid through the legal boundaries. and this is why he has bad press now.
but we will see the outcome.
the 207 Million came from the event to the county. which means that is for Law enforcement, Medical (Ambulance, EMT, Paramedics), ect ect. plus another 9.5 Mil in tax. so closer to 216 Million.
I vote for the old days. risky but cheap. back to warehouse raves. haha.
but i do hope things work out
Take it to indio where Coachella was at and you got yourself a great venue!
It sucks. Cause Nevada is the only 24 hour state so this tax will force them to move it cali again where thier bullshit law will force it to close at 2am
maybe i read this incorrect, but edc produces 207 million already for vegas. now the city is asking to tax edc more to get more money for them. so it isnt like edc makes 207 million and is giving 9 of it to the city, but instead the city makes 216million for example because of the tax. this means higher ticket prices or less production
because its all about profit and im sure they would just pass the tax on to the costumer
wait, you actually know him? that’s kool.. my friend chilled with him back when he passed out fliers
lol. ignorant raver kids… that’s hilarious. I like EDM, so I must be a complete idiot….
You have no idea what you are talking about or that even happened. Quit reading headlines and learn a little.
Believe what you want, all I hear are opinions and a quick google search brings the facts to the table. The correlation to be made between the two articles is that hiked ticket prices have been there LONG before this whole LET business, so don’t be surprised if a lack of regulation on a guy who was caught red-handed withholding funds from his staff to line his own pockets will lead to similar repeat business at the expense of the unknowing “music fan”. As you said, it’s all business baby. And knowledge is power. I’m out.
Noooo! lol EDC! I hope they work this out, it’s just a few bucks in comparison to how much the event is generating. Hoping for the best. I’m going to EDC London every year from now on either way, but would still love to keep going to the Vegas shindig of course.
The people of EDC are not wrong. Who are we to judge them while they sleep in beds made of $100 dollar bills. They provide an amazing service, but who would expect them to do it sharing 1/1,000,000th of the profits(over all years). How can you you sustain a business that way?
actually if you think about it, it is both parties. If I’m not mistaken if someone is going to tax something it has to be run through congress and/or the federal government which contains members of both political parties.
or where they hold all the wonderlands NOS event center if im not mistaken, more room for more stages
Yes but if they bring it back to Cali then they will allow light gloves into their venues, from what I heard EDC NY, Chicago, and Vegas banned light gloves. every wonderland I have been too and hard haunted all allowed light gloves.
Wtf are you talking about Jim?
Wtf are you talking about Jim?
Danielle Atkins I did not say that any of what I posted was true nor did I say that I got that info from the article
Danielle Atkins I did not say that any of what I posted was true nor did I say that I got that info from the article
Don’t they have a 5 year contract with the Speedway though? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just pay the 10% sales tax versus breach of contract with the speedway and pay even more fines? I’m sure they put a fat deposit down on the speedway which they would want back…. I think this is just publicity stunt.
This is referring to a state tax and has nothing to do with the US congress. It has everything to do with the state and local government in NV and Las Vegas and that is dominated by Democrats.
This is referring to a state tax and has nothing to do with the US congress. It has everything to do with the state and local government in NV and Las Vegas and that is dominated by Democrats.
lul no
Alex M. Rieger if a quick google search brings facts to the table, why do you think what you think about “ignorant raver kids” ?
Are we “ignorant” because we a ravers? Or are we “ignorant” because we’re “kids” ?
just more greedy pieces of shit trying to put a damper on people actually having fun.
preach chicarito
I can’t wait to leave America. The government is always diggin it’s hand where it doesn’t belong.
Subzero is way cooler than Scorpion.
Subzero is way cooler than Scorpion.
It seems that most of the people that attend these events need to start paying attention to politics instead of watching MTV and getting brain washed into voting for Obama and the Democrats, which these are the ones raising taxes all over our nation.
He’s not robbing me, he’s just robbing his own company, and as long as they keep making awesome events I don’t care how much he embezzles lol
Man Nevada turning bluer and bluer by the year. Enough of the taxes. I’m going to go to Tomorrowworld and fly my Gadsden Flag.
What do you think the $207M figure is? It’s not the revenue generated by the event (that goes back to the production company), it’s the revenue generated for the city, county and state of Nevada by attendees spending money in and around the venue. Think hotels, restaurants, car rentals, etc.
So, the city, county and state got $207 million from last year’s event, and now they want to increase that number by another $9.5 million. That $9.5 million will be passed on to the attendees in the form of increased ticket prices because it’s being charged to the entities putting on the event.
And where are you going to go where this doesn’t happen?
It’s not in LA anymore because some 15 year old girl overdosed there and the mayor said no more. Get your facts straight dumb ass.
Rieger is def a doucher name too. I’m out!
Thank you Samuel D Kates. i was wondering how far down the comments i would have to read before somebody mentioned that. Come on people lol.
Its clear…who wants to pay $9,500,000? Its big business, thats why there is an issue at hand. Think about it.
If i have to pay taxes and fees for going to a show y should the show itself not have to pay taxes???? djs get taxed for their income although its probobly not untill the end of the year
If i have to pay taxes and fees for going to a show y should the show itself not have to pay taxes???? djs get taxed for their income although its probobly not untill the end of the year
i know people complain about prices going up and paying that bit extra, but if you really wanted to save for something, then you would. I dont think paying $30 extra is that much.. just dont buy that tshirt/jeans/pair of sneakers/ounce of weed that week and you’ve saved yourself $30 to pay for the rest of that ticket. easy…
$9.5 million? Ticket sales don’t exceed $95 million… The number would be more like 3.6 Million. 120,000 people per night assuming they each bought a 3 day pass for $300 would equate to 36 million in ticket sales x .10 = 3.6 million. Not a big deal just kind of curious how they got 9 million.
GOOD Lets have EDC somewhere else, I dig Vegas but lets do a bigger better spot.
This is exactly what Indio tried to do to Coachella last year. Then Coachella said they would leave and Indio buckled. Insomniac is just positioning themselves to show how important they are to Vegas. Don’t worry kiddies, EDC will be back for years to come as long as you keep buying those tickets and staying in those hotels.
This is exactly what Indio tried to do to Coachella last year. Then Coachella said they would leave and Indio buckled. Insomniac is just positioning themselves to show how important they are to Vegas. Don’t worry kiddies, EDC will be back for years to come as long as you keep buying those tickets and staying in those hotels.
exactly… its not going anywhere
I love EDC’s.
This is how Nevada makes money. They have no state income tax so of course they come up with it in other ways.
Anyone ever been to Marquee recently? If you have and got a table, you were taxed 10% for the LET. Most of you that have recently been to a night club in LV recently paid this tax b/c the club just passed it on to you. Did you get mad? Did you stop and say, “THIS IS WRONG!” No. You were fucked up, having a good time and didn’t give shit. If Insomniac passes it on to you, are you going to say, “Nope, I’m not going b/c it’s an extra $15 a day” No. You won’t. You’ll still go.
If you don’t like the tax, then don’t go or move to Nevada and become a registered voter.
BREAKING NEWS: EDC WILL INFACT BE IN VEGAS FO MANY YEARS TO COME. jesus christ all u idiots are beyond retarded. a contract has already been signed with the speedway until 2015. trust me, THERE WILL BE AN EDC VEGAS 2014! total idiots…nothing new on the internet….
@Arthur: It’s a slippery slope. Taxes increase every year, and so LET just puts another hand in on the ticket sales jar.
@Dan Bremen: That’s the point. Clark County intends to tax on ticket sales = we will pay more in fees. Plus, event producers generate enough revenue for the area they hold events in that the County wanting more tax revenue seems redundant and kind of excessive.
@Dutch Masta: Unfortunately, the NOS Center kicked out Insomniac. But Insomniac found a new home at the San Manuel Amphitheater and Grounds this year. For me, Beyond 2013 was hands down way better than 2012. We had to drive out further but it had way more space and just a more dynamic layout. It was like a mini-EDC.
I think in general festivals are going to move further and further away from cities and major public spaces which I think is a good thing since it generates the economies of less central areas.
I don’t even resent it when people say “ignorant raver kids” bc it’s just not true. Just means they’ve never had a real convo with one. I just ignore the trolls.
Hi Liz! PLUR. 🙂
Ehh everyone is trying to get money where they can. Bring it back to LA. It’s closer to the beach, and much cooler anyways. Fuck it
Way to just take things personally instead of realizing this guy is telling you they are RIPPING YOU OFF. And they are, i’ve been in the scene and seen enough of it to know you are MOST DEFINITELY being ripped off. Like they could throw you a really baller party for $50 a ticket. YOU ARE BEING RIPPED THE FUCK OFF HONEY!
lmao I make $300 in two weeks. I don’t have $100 of food for a month. LOL at $300 for a PARTY you are all OVER-PRIVILEGED LITTLE FUCKS. You know there are people who are hungry on the street? While you’re like “Oh but drugs cost money!!!” Jesus, you are all disconnected to how meaningful life really is and you WASTE that opportunity and spend it on meth’d up presses so you can feel compassion to people who are as privileged as you are.
You guys are the ones that are paying $300 a damn ticket! That’s about as much as I make in 2 weeks. I HAVE TO PAY RENT WITH EVERY WEEK I WORK. OK? INSOMNIAC IS GREEDY. They could throw you that exact same party for about $50 a head. Permits, fuel, energy, adverts, baller crew– all you really need.
From someone who has raved many years- yeah usually promoters who pull a serious profit from our scene are scum bags. OUR SCENE HAS NEVER BEEN ABOUT PROFIT. Kind of obvious in his actions.
Totally still happens!
Very easily. It’s called economics. If profit = 0 it’s FLOATING. If you have 1,000,000 in PROFIT you should be taxed because there is ONE ECONOMIC PIE, IF YOU HAVE TOO BIG OF A PIECE EVERYONE ELSE’S PIECE GETS SMALLER. OK? In fact SOCIETY can’t sustain if someone has those kinds of profits. This is why the US has a DWINDLING MIDDLE CLASS.
Oh yes. I don’t have my degree in economics and don’t own a television. I ONLY HAVE NPR. GO FUCK YOURSELF.
Vegas is as libertarian as it gets in the states. Either that or EDC is gonna be such a public issue, it’s gonna change the whole political conversation of vegas. Staying tuned. Oh these beats have brought the world such craze.
Anyone one saying that ur getting ripped off is mad cause they can’t go 400 ain’t nothing especially with how bad ass edc is
you think insomniac is getting robbed ??? look at the price of the ticket you just bought! lmao… fuck insomniac…fuck the contracts they make artist sign.. what a monopoly… what a joke..
Dear Jacob Marmor,
your headline is deceiving and obviously has NOTHING to do with the Electronic Daisy Carnival happening in less than 5 days…
Please, work on putting real effort into finding your stories. I hope your lie has helped you feel more “popular” on the web 🙂