Here’s a free gift from Swedish electro phenomenons Dada Life in the form of an official remix by a mysterious artist refered to as Anybody. “The Boss,” who elusively handles matters pertaining to the duo, is not revealing who the producer is at this time – it is possible that Anybody is just a placeholder name. What is important though, is the track. Anybody flipped the original into a harder complextro track, completely reworking the drop and giving the track more of an edge overall. Complextro has been receiving less and less producer love as of late, so it is good to see some artists still toying around with the style. Grab the free download below.
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&show_artwork=true&color=0d0d0d” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /]
Dude, it’s “Andybody” not “Anybody”, see the difference? It’s in the picture! You would think that if you put in the effort to create a post for it you would actually get it right…people and there lack of attention to detail amazes me sometimes.
where is the free download?