The man, the myth, the legend, Wolfgang Gartner, has just uploaded a preview of his new track Evil Lurks, a collaboration with Tom Staar. The collaboration seems a good fit, as Staar just released an EP on Gartner’s Kindergarten Recordings and has been featured in a number of his sets. From the preview, it’s a bit more mellow sounding than the tracks on his Love & War EP, but there’s still 3 or 4 minutes of the track we haven’t heard yet so who knows what could happen. Wolfgang had this to say about the preview:
Turns out my next single will be coming out a little sooner than I thought – December 3rd, which is less than 2 weeks away. Sooooo, the obligatory teaser preview is in order. This one is actually a collaboration between myself and Tom Staar. The artwork isn’t finished so I saw it fit to find a picture that summed up “evil” as best we could for the time being. Chegidowt….
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